So much has happened since I last wrote, I'm not sure I will be able to fit it all in one blog. Here goes with thing numero uno: I started the 21 Day Fix.
I will admit it has been hard, downright difficult at times, but definitely doable with a little planning and restraint/willpower. Let me start over by telling you exactly what it is I'm doing.
The Fix is a 21 day program. (Duh!) Each day there is a different workout to do, but that's not all there is with this thing. It also keeps up with nutrition...uhh, what?! That is my downfall every time I try to get really fit. I'm not too proud to admit it. Even though I would like to think I have it all under control sometimes, I don't.
I love working out! It's a passion of mine. Okay, maybe that's taking it a bit far, but I
do enjoy it (usually). As most of you know I've run and trained for half and marathons. Those take a lot of discipline to do all the workouts, but never once did I restrict what I was eating while training for those.
Now that I am a coach, I've decided I need to take my eating habits more seriously and in consideration, especially when I'm trying to help others eat more healthily. I talked about this on my Lifestyle Accountability podcast. (Which will be featured
this Saturday, April 12th. Eek!)
So I started this new plan where I eat so many of each type of food a day. It comes with these handy-dandy little containers, colored for a certain food group. Here's the breakdown -> Purple - fruits, Green - veggies, Red - protein, Yellow - carbs, Blue - fats/cheese, Orange - oils/dressings. Of course, they get smaller and you are allowed different amounts of each one depending on your caloric goal. I am in the 1200-1499 calorie range for now. I will probably up that when I go back to P90X3 and Combat workouts and running.

I spent my Sunday evening cooking and prepping. I baked chicken with Mrs. Dash and "fried" lean ground turkey on the stove top with taco-like spices. I made about a 1.5 lbs of chicken and 1.25 lbs of turkey. Keep in mind that I am only cooking for myself. I also proportioned out some salads for lunch with spinach and cherry tomatoes. That way I had ready-made meals and didn't resort to the drive-thru, as is my fall back. Here is what a typical day looked like for me. I am a creature of habit so I stuck with the same meals quite a bit.

Breakfast: Vanilla Shakeology, Almond Milk, PB2
AM Snack: Almonds, Jicama
Lunch: Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes, Chicken, and Blueberries
PM Snack: Pear
Dinner: Turkey Tacos with Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes
Yep, I am Plain Jane, but, it works for me! I got in all my nutrients and I felt great, even after my workouts. I can't wait see my final results at the end of the 21 days. Only 14 more to go!
P.S. If you would like to know more about this plan, leave your email below or go to the contact me page. I'll get back to you asap! :)