For these things, I am thankful:
* Jesus - without Him, I am nothing.

* The most supportive friends I could ask for - these girls are my lifeline. They never question me and always stand by me.
Oh, and we can have fun and crack up doing almost anything!

* A family that would do absolutely anything for me within their power - if they think I've earned it ;)

* Amazing co-workers who always make my day a little brighter

* A career teaching little people - it can be trying and stressful but there are those moments that make it all worth it

* An able body - although my leg is still jacked up and I can't run, I can still do so much! I'm currently rockin' Focus T25 and starting a challenge on December 2nd. Let me know and you can rock it with me!

I am also thankful for Christmas music! I just love it. It's so magical.
What about you?
What are you thankful for this year?
I am thankful for YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm also thankful for Jesus, my Savior... Health.... Family....our home.... Our church & school .... The ability to worship freely and celebrating our Saviors birth!!!