Pretty cool, right? Well, I thought so until the light turned green immediately and I hit the gas. As I did, my coffee
I realized I had fretted about what to wear to church that morning
I was being silly. I went inside and I praised Him. I had to get over myself and laugh about it. God doesn't care about what I'm wearing when I worship.
Interestingly enough, the sermon was about making ourselves weak so that we may reveal our brokenness and others will grow to know Him. Oh, how I was blessed by today's sermon and worship. Y'all know I love me some worshipping!
I am so glad I didn't go home because of the wet pants. I would have missed this:
"We love You, Lord. We worship You. You alone are God. You alone are good." and seeing hands raised in praise as I, too, was overcome with joy of Our Father.
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