Thursday, February 27, 2014

Oh, and don't move AT ALL



Yes, my friends this is what it sounds like inside of a MRI scan.  I only had to be in there for 14 minutes but that was long enough.

The technician handed me ear plugs as I laid down.  The machine was already making a noise.  I didn't think I really needed the ear plugs for that.  I could handle it.  After all, I am a first grade teacher.

He told me that would hear a lot of banging and not to move AT ALL.  Well, ok then.  (Truthfully, my knee started aching about halfway through.  I think I was holding my breath because I didn't want to do this again.)

All week I had been fine.  "I'm not nervous about the MRI," I told co-workers and friends.  "I am more nervous about the results and what's to come," I said.  This is a girl who spent the majority of her teens in tanning beds.  (I know, I know.  I don't go anymore but I did during 2000-2001 prom season.)  Surely, it couldn't be any worse than that.  I mean, a tanning bed actually closes over you.

Ok, here's the truth.  That noise was scary.  Not in the way that I felt like I was going to be harmed scary, but in the way that haunted houses are scary.  You know that nothing's actually going to happen to you but there's still a healthy fear there.

Not only was I in this tiny enclosed space, but it was so loud.  Literally, my head is throbbing right now, but inside there I was not hurting.  I was nervous.  Irrational anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks.

I just started praying and praising.  Worship over worry, right?  I'm thankful to be healthy, to have an able body, even if I can't run right now.  It will come, all at the right time.  I could be battling much scarier things than a bum knee.  I know that and do not want to take that for granted.  I'm grateful the overabundance of people who care about me and share a common thread in my life.  I'm overwhelmed by the love I feel that I desire to share what I can with others so that they may make their lives shine brighter.  As the name states, I live with an overwhelmed heart and for that I express gratitude.  So, no matter what that scan reveals, I know that I have enough.


 Have you ever had an MRI or a scarier scan?

What has your worse injury been?  How did you overcome it?


  1. It is scary when you are in a situation beyond your control! I have had a MRI done and even if you have never had a problem with enclosed spaces, all of a sudden you do! I will be praying for good results for you!

  2. I will be praying for good results for you!! I have had an MRI and they are scary!!

  3. fitnessmomwinecountryFebruary 27, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    No no MRI {thank goodness} however I have heard how "scary" they can be. Exrays are the most I have had and not many...I would most likely go into a panic attack if I were to be in that position

  4. Oh yes, I had an MRI of my brain about 2 years ago when I got Bells Palsy. My head was locked in a crazy contraption and I couldn't move. I was in there for 45 minutes! I had to keep my eyes closed the entire time to keep myself from panicking and hitting the panic button.
    I hope you get nothing but good news!

  5. Oh my goodness. I cannot imagine that. Thanks for the well wishes! I'm hope you're recovered!

  6. I never had anything that scared me or test to pass. I hate closed spaces so that would drive me crazy! I hope you do well!

  7. Thank you Annabel! Get results on Wednesday!

  8. Learning that worshiping helps overcome a lot of fear. MRI's are not fun- I had to have one my back in 2011. Never again unless I have no other choice!
