Monday, December 2, 2013


I haven't run since the Haunted Half relay and very sparingly before that. I didn't even really get to train for Big Sur like I should have. I started feeling the beginning of the end in January of this year... and now it's December.

I did the majority of my marathon training by pool-running at a local gym. I spent months in that pool, rather in the great outdoors listening to my totally awesome playlists, like I should have been.

I have gone through many ups and downs wading my way through this "run-less" life. I will start running for a while and then my knee/calf/hamstring flares up again.

I don't want you to feel sorry for me.  That's not the purpose of this post.  I am just sharing my thoughts like I always do here.

I have started Focus T25 so I'm hoping that will help me gain some strength and possibly some speed (one can dream!) when I finally get back to running.  I just finished Week 1 and am feeling great.  I finally have a plan too.  As a runner, I am so used to having a training plan to follow that I just go to shambles when I have no plan.  I think I've said it before - I am a planner.

But so is our God.  Our God.  Who am I to doubt?  I know that He has a great big plan that I can't see because I am right smack dab in the middle of it.  I know that He wants more for his child than I could ever fathom for myself.  Therefore, I'm trusting Him and praising Him all along the way.

What has been your longest/worst injury?

How do you deal when you are sidelined?


  1. He has a plan for you indeed, sister friend!! I know it's hard not running but I feel the same... Having a training plan, whatever the exercise or sport, is essential. I LOVE boxes to check, items to cross off, goals to achieve! I can't wait to follow your Focus T25 journey! Love you, lady!

  2. Thank you sweet friend. You are a light in my life!

  3. My longest injury was shin splints during my teen years. I was a short distance hurdler on my schools track team and had them for years to the point where even just standing was excruciatingly painful.

    Right now I'm fighting hip bursitis, which is throwing my form off and consequently threw my patella out of alignment, so add patellar chondromalacia to my injury list now.

    I go to PT and I'm going to start putting a heavier emphasis on strength. I always just assumed that since I'm a runner and cyclist who is extremely bottom heavy that I had a strong enough lower body, but it's really not the case.

    Good luck healing!

  4. Trusting God is a great plan! I'm doing that in my life as well. I also just started T25. I'm excited to follow your progress! :)

  5. […] no-running already, there are other things I can do and still get my endorphin high!  I have found that thing.  By all means, make your New Year’s Resolutions if you do!  You’ll be very happy you […]
