While I feel like I do have a pretty ambitious mindset, I also know that I can be super lazy at times. No shame in my game. That's just the way it is. I can Netflix binge-watch with the best of them, especially in the winter! (Side note: this warmer weather has me all kinds of excited.)
I'm getting off track, but here's the deal. Beachbody decided create the opportunity for coaches to become partners in their business, because they found that all of these people were purchasing their products off of infomercials but never actually using them. (Research showed that something like 90% of people who bought P90X weren't even opening the packaging.That's cray cray and not what they were made for!) People were putting the program up in a closet, never to be seen again, because they had lost their motivation in the time spent waiting for the package to arrive. Thus, the Beachbody coach system and accountability groups were born out of a desire to see lives changed, not money made.
Honestly, long before I was involved with this company I had virtual accountability partners on another website when I was trying to lose a few pounds that I had gained when I was in a toxic relationship. These people were my saving grace when I had pulled away from everyone else in my life. They were my friends when I really, really needed them. They gave me the all the encouragement I needed.
The group worked. And it worked well. We shared our struggles and our triumphs. We congratulated and consoled each other. We did life together. It didn't matter that we only knew each other online. We were like a family.
I eventually left that relationship and found myself through a little bit of fitness and and whole lot of Jesus, and that was just the beginning of the road to a healthier body and mindset. I have found the most positive, uplifting people I have ever met through Beachbody. Whether it be other coaches or challengers, they are all the kind of person I want to be.
ALL of this is exactly what has inspired my accountability groups that I run now. I want them to be encouraging and inviting, just like my classroom at school. I want everyone to feel comfortable and safe, because, let me tell you, it can get pretty darn uncomfortable at times trying to be all fit and healthy. It can be downright hard, but it can also be the most amazing, encouraging things in your life, if you will let it. If you will let it, you can make some of the best friends, lose a few pounds, and kick that insecurity out tha doe! THAT is what it's all about, my friends.
So, my question is, what's stopping you?
Here's a link if you're feeling like you want to get in the next fit party. I will contact you and get you in a group that's just right for you (like Goldilocks). I hope to see many more lives changed through community and encouraging one another. Keep shining, my friends!
It is so much easier for sure to stick to anything when you have a friend doing it too. It's the good kind of peer pressure haha!
ReplyDeleteThanks so true!