Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I Choose You.

I have been doing a study on What Happens When Women Say Yes to God with a beautiful friend of mine. I didn't really know how I'd feel about this study when we started it but, I have to say, it's been life-changing, for me anyway.

If you read my very first post here you know that I absolutely love to worship.  Something stirs up inside me and pure joy flows out.  If I could spend my life in praise and worship, I would have no worries.  I would have no cares....and that's what I'm going to do.

Lysa TerKeurst says in her book, "When we focus our minds and fix our attention on Christ, He is magnified and made bigger in our lives.  When we focus our minds and fix our attention life's obstacles, they will be wrongly magnified and made to appear larger than they really are.  Our attention is like a magnifying glass - whatever we place it on becomes larger and more consuming of our time and energy.  We desire to focus on Christ alone, but sometimes other things seem bigger, and so, without even realizing it, we shift our focus."

Wow.  Those words really spoke to me.  What could be so important that is it worth the time and energy I give it?  Only Christ.  Only Him.  Nothing else is worth it.  Because I will be let down by every single other thing and person in my life, as I will let down people in my life.

Therefore,  I choose You, God.  I choose to worship You.  I choose to praise You in the storm.  I choose to not worry because I know it is all in Your hands.  I choose You because You chose me.

Are you a worrier?  How do you move on?


  1. Love this! I too feel better when I turn the controls over to God. I find when I'm worrying it's usually because I'm either regretting something from the past, or trying to control something in the future. Instead, I try to be present in the now -- the current moment is really all we can control anyway.

  2. You are speaking Truth, Kimberly! Thank you for reading and contributing. Being present in the NOW is something I struggle with so I'm praying that I can work my way up to it :)
